Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Kenapa wanita tidak suka apabila disebut BIDADARI???

by Nisrin Insyirah on Saturday, August 28, 2010 at 4:50pm

“Ustaz, boleh tak kalau di syurga nanti, saya tak nak suami saya ada bidadari?”

Soalan ini pernah dikemukakan oleh seorang wanita (entah datin mana tah), sewaktu sesi soal jawab dalam satu kuliah (kalau aku tak silap, oleh Ustaz Dato Abu Hassan Din Al-Hafiz), pada sekitar awal 90-an.

Jawapannya nanti dulu. Aku nak bincang hal yang lebih penting. Haha..

Datin tersebut wajar diberi ucapan syabas kerana berani menyuarakan apa yang terbuku di kalbu ramai wanita. Tapi pasti kebanyakannya tak tergamak nak luahkan perasaan tu.

Mmm..nampaknya sampai begitu sekali kaum wanita ni meluat dengan bidadari syurga. Aku guna perkataan ‘meluat’ sebab aku rasa inilah istilah yang paling sopan. Mungkin ada yang sampai rasa benci bila mendengar perkataan ‘bidadari’, aku tak nafikan.

Apa puncanya sampai jadi macam tu?

Penjelasan yang paling mudah, sebab cemburu.

Penjelasan yang lebih mendalam; sebab wanita sebegitu menyangka bahawa suaminya adalah MILIK mutlak si isteri. Sebagaimana miliknya terhadap kereta Mercedesnya dan rumah banglonya. Tak mahu KONGSI dengan orang lain.

Aku pernah menghadiri majlis ilmu yang dianjurkan satu jemaah tabligh..ustaz yang sedang memberi amanat kepada bakal-bakal da`ie itu ada menyebut, “Jangan sekali-kali ceritakan mengenai bidadari apabila anda sedang membicarakan tentang nikmat syurga di khalayak yang ada wanita menghadirinya. Dikhuatiri jika anda tidak bersedia dengan ilmu yang cukup, majlis ilmu itu akan hanya menimbulkan rasa benci di kalangan wanita yang masih lemah imannya..”

Fuhh~! Sampai begitu sekali rupanya. Dahsyat..

Aku tak sangka sampai begitu sekali, hingga ‘pantang’ disebut tentang bidadari di depan wanita.

Tapi..Dalam Al-Qur’an kan bidadari disebut tanpa berselindung? Ohoho…mungkin tak apa la sebab kebanyakan wanita di luar sana tak faham pun bila mendengar atau membaca Qur’an.

Habis, nak biarkan macam tu je? Biarkan je wanita ‘bermusuh’ dengan bidadari? Tak ada cara nak ‘mendamaikan’ dua golongan ni ke?

Biar aku beritahu apakah jawapan ustaz yang awal tadi.

“Di syurga nanti, selagi puan tak berenggang dengan suami puan, suami puan seakan-akan tak nampak pun bidadari. Tak perlu lah puan risau sangat. Yang penting sekarang, usahakan agar puan bersama suami dapat menjadi ahli syurga. Kalau isteri terpaksa masuk neraka buat sementara, dan suami yang masuk syurga dulu, saya tak jamin la bidadari tak ganggu dia..” Padat dan bersahaja jawapan yang diberikan ustaz, disambut gelak ketawa hadirin. Si datin tunduk sambil tersenyum kelat.

Hmm..kenapa suami tak nampak bidadari bila isterinya ada? Sebab wanita ahli syurga kelak akan dijadikan oleh Allah sebagai ketua bidadari. Hebatnya kecantikan ketua bidadari ni, adalah ibarat cahaya bulan mengambang penuh di musim panas. Para bidadari yang lain pula ibarat bintang-bintang yang bertaburan di sekelilingnya. Hanya menyerlah tika bulan menyepi.

Maka apabila Ketua Bidadari itu hadir, si suami seolah-olah terpukau, dan bidadari yang lain seakan tak kelihatan, ataupun nampak kecil saja. Macam gadis jelita dikelilingi budak-budak tadika. Tentu saja fokus si suami takkan beralih dari melihat isterinya.

Hebat kan? Tapi macam mana kalau tiada bidadari langsung? Kan lagi bagus kalau tiada saingan?

Tidak juga.

Andai tiada bidadari, maka cantiknya Ketua Bidadari umpama bulan penuh di langit yang kosong. Kejelitaannya jadi kurang menyerlah kerana dia cantik sorang-sorang, tak ada siapa yang kurang dari dia, jadi pada siapa dia nak dibandingkan? Pada jiran di mahligai bersebelahan yang jaraknya sejauh mata memandang?

Wahai wanita penghuni syurga; anda sama cantik saja dengan Ketua Bidadari yang lain. Tak berapa seronoklah. Anda hanya paling cantik di mata suami anda. Begitu juga Ketua Bidadari yang menjadi jiran anda, tercantik di mata suaminya.

Satu perkara lagi, para bidadari syurga adalah penghuni asal yang telah Allah tempatkan di situ. Mereka penduduk asal syurga. Tak bolehlah nak halau mereka pula. Nanti mereka mengadu pada Allah. Mereka tidak pernah berbuat dosa, taraf mereka seakan malaikat yang sentiasa makbul doanya. Cuma mereka ini Allah kurniakan nafsu sebagaimana manusia. Tetapi nafsu mereka bersih (tidak takabbur terhadap Allah) dan tidak terhijab.

Dalil tentang mereka mempunyai nafsu, dalam surah Al-Waqi`ah ada ayat yang berbunyi `uruban atraaba, yang apabila diterjemahkan bermaksud: “sentiasa merindui (suami mereka yang berada di dunia) dan muda belia usia mereka”.

Di dalam bahasa Arab, kalimah `uruban juga bermaksud berahi berpanjangan. Dalam istilah yang agak kurang sopan (minta maaf), mereka ini sentiasa merindui jimak. Saya mohon maaf sekali lagi, tapi wanita dengan sifat sebeginilah yang diidamkan oleh hampir semua lelaki. (ah..aku rasa bukan HAMPIR semua, tapi memang SEMUA lelaki normal macam tu).

Baiklah. Anda dah nampak, cara untuk mengelakkan suami anda dari melayani bidadari, ialah dengan sentiasa ada di sisi suami. Senang saja bukan? Barulah bidadari lain tak ‘kacau daun’.


Tapi adakah anda pasti?

Kita rujuk sebuah hadith yang menceritakan tentang keadaan penghuni syurga;

Para Sahabat bertanya, adakah penghuni syurga melakukan jimak, dan bagaimanakah keadaan mereka? Dijawab oleh Rasulullah, “Benar. Oh, sungguh hebat sekali. Tenaga dan kenikmatan mereka Allah gandakan kepada seratus, dan mereka sekali pun tidak akan merasa letih.” ~au kama qaal

Hmm. Maknanya, kalau Ketua Bidadari tak mahu berenggang dengan suami, maka alamatnya tak keluar dari bilik la. Layanlah sampai dia puas.

“Tak kisah, janji dia tak layan bidadari..” mungkin itu jawapan seorang wanita.

Saya beritahu lagi; Ahli syurga juga tidak tidur, kerana terdapat hadith yang menyatakan bahawa “tidur itu saudara mati, maka ahli syurga tidak memerlukan kepada tidur, tidak mengantuk, dan tidak letih, lapar, atau dahaga..”. (au kama qaal)

Jenuh la kali ni tak turun-turun dari katil. Sanggupkah anda? Berapa minggu anda sanggup? Berapa tahun? Berapa dekad? Berapa kurun?

Jika di hati anda terdetik rasa bosan, para bidadari di luar bilik akan mengetuk pintu sambil bertanya bilakah gilirannya akan sampai. “Ketua! Biar kami pula ambil alih!” ..mungkin itu yang mereka kata.

“Biarlah diorang menunggu kat luar..aku takkan tinggalkan suami aku!” Mungkin ada wanita yang berfikir begini.

Izinkan saya bertanya lagi; “Tak nak pergi shopping ke?” ; )

“Eh, shopping? Shopping apa? Kat mana?”

Mafhum daripada beberapa hadith yang mutawatir, Pada setiap Jumaat Allah adakan suatu ‘pasar’ di syurga. Di pasar inilah, ahli syurga diberi nikmat terbesar antara segala nikmat di syurga, iaitu diizinkan melihat kepadaNya. Tiada satu pun ciptaanNya yang mengatasi keindahan Sang Pencipta, Rabbul Jalil yang bersifat Al-Jamiil.

Dan di ‘pasar’ syurga inilah Allah sediakan segala pakaian, makanan, dan perhiasan (barang kemas dan aksesori) yang berbagai-bagai rupa, beraneka warna dan bentuk.

Ahli syurga cuma perlu melihat kepada contoh ‘produk’ yang dipamerkan, niatkan “Aku mahu yang ini!”; maka dengan serta-merta benda itu sudah dipakai di tubuhnya. Boleh juga meminta seperti itu apabila terlihat ada ahli syurga yang lain, memakai sesuatu yang menarik perhatiannya.

Kenapa perlu ada pasar? Kan boleh minta saja dari dalam bilik?

Perlunya ada pasar ini kerana ahli syurga ketika itu dah tak tahu apa lagi yang mahu diminta, kerana terlalu lama dan banyaknya nikmat yang diperolehi mereka.

Ibarat anda dah dapat semua file/software yang anda ingini, sampai anda tak tahu nak download software/file apa lagi di internet. Dah tak tahu nak ’search’ apa, sampai termenung di depan superkomputer yang terhebat dan terlaju di dunia, milik anda. Lebih kurang macam tu la ibaratnya.

Maka di ‘pasar’ syurga inilah terdapat pakaian dan barang kemas serta aksesori wanita (dan lelaki) dalam ‘rekabentuk terbaru’…’latest design’ kata sesetengah orang. Sebab itu ahli syurga tidak akan merasa jemu.

Dan apa yang paling hebat, semua yang ada di pasar ini adalah PERCUMA! Ibarat Ivana Trump pergi shopping di HyperMall milik ayahnya yang asyik pecat orang (”you’re fired!”). Tapi di syurga pastinya berjuta-juta-juta kali lebih mewah. Dan anda kekal muda selama-lamanya, tak macam minah saleh tu..

Di pasar syurga tu, semua benda yang menyenangkan hati anda boleh didapati. Niat saja nak pakaian baru, anda akan tiba di Department Pakaian Wanita.

“Handbag LV (Louis Vuitton) ada ke?” ..cheh. Ada sorang minah yang baca artikel ni boleh terfikir nak tanya camni..

Begini sajalah. Biar saya bacakan mafhum sebuah hadith lagi. “Jannah itu ialah satu kawasan yang tersangat luas. Terdapat lembah, sungai, pohon, dan bukit. Tanah di tengah-tengahnya yang paling tinggi, dan Al-Firdaus berada di tempat yang paling tengah dan paling tinggi”.

belum habis lagi..ada sambungan hadith ni;

“Keseluruhan syurga itu terdapat seratus tingkat. Pada tingkat yang terendah dan pertama, kesemua sudu senduknya, gelas pinggannya, kerusi mejanya diperbuat daripada perak. Tingkat yang kedua, semua sudu senduknya, gelas pinggannya, kerusi mejanya daripada emas; pada tingkat yang ketiga, sudu senduknya, gelas pinggannya, kerusi mejanya daripada yaqut, lu’lu’ dan zabarjad (batu-batu permata yang mahal), dan pada sembilan puluh tujuh tingkat lagi hanya Allah yang mengetahuinya. Jarak antara satu tingkat dengan tingkat yang lain adalah sejauh jarak langit dan bumi.”

Rasulullah hanya sempat meninjau tiga tingkat yang pertama sahaja sewaktu isra’ dan mi`raj.

Syurga tingkat pertama yang terendah adalah untuk ahlul fitrah, manusia yang tidak pernah beriman tetapi seruan tauhid tidak pernah sampai kepada mereka ketika hidup di dunia dahulu. Mereka diizinkan masuk ke syurga setelah selesai menjalani qisas di mahsyar, jika mereka ada menzalimi sesama mereka. Inilah tanda betapa Maha Pemurahnya Allah Yang Maha Adil, tidak menzalimi seorangpun hambaNya.

Tingkat pertama ini juga adalah untuk para muallaf yang hanya sempat mengucapkan syahadah tanpa satu pun amalan baik, dan tiada satu pun kalimah Allah yang sempat dipelajarinya.

Maka sekiranya kita umat Islam ini berjaya ke syurga, tempat kita adalah bermula dari tingkat yang kedua, atau lebih tinggi lagi. Tingkat kedua, barang-barang perkakas dapur serta perabutnya diperbuat daripada emas.

Saya tanya; Di dunia sekarang (di bumi) ini, adakah pakaian dan barang kemas kita diperbuat daripada bahan yang serupa dengan bahan membuat perabut dan peralatan dapur?

Anda tahu jawapannya ialah tidak. Bahan untuk pakaian dan perhiasan kita lazimnya mestilah lebih mahal daripada bahan membuat perabut dan perkakas dapur.

Ertinya, bila sudu dan meja pun diperbuat daripada emas, agaknya apakah bahan yang jadi pakaian dan barang kemas ahli syurga? Sudah tentu lebih mahal daripada emas!

Ya. Bahan dan unsur yang lebih mahal itulah yang dibuat pakaian ahli syurga..termasuk juga kasut tumit tinggi dan handbag (jika anda mahu, pasti ada!), termasuk juga barang kemas yang ada di Pasar Syurga tu.

Ketika itu jika anda ternampak handbag LV dari alam dunia, mungkin anda akan terasa jijik nak menyentuhnya macam tengok tahi ayam. Mana ada kelas! Emas pun setakat jadi jug air je..Gelas minuman pun dibuat daripada berlian (kalau anda menghuni syurga tingkat atas sikit).

Hm..Di pasar yang bagaikan real-life catalogue ini, semuanya lebih mahal dari perkakas dan pinggan mangkuk anda. Terlalu banyak pilihan. Shopping la sebanyak mana yang anda mahu. Tak perlu trolley. Kalau anda nak suruh bidadari bawakan barang yang anda shopping itu pun, mereka pasti gembira dapat membantu.

Janganlah lupa pula..para bidadari itu juga khadam anda yang sangat suka berkhidmat. Anda kan ketua mereka?

Ingat ni, kesemuanya anda tak perlu bayar! Bayarannya telah dilangsaikan dengan keringat, darah dan air mata anda ketika di dunia dahulu.

Tapi kalau nak dapatkan ‘design’ terbaru tu, kenalah keluar dari rumah (istana) dan tengok sendiri di pasar Jumaat. Di pasar ini juga ahli syurga akan bersosial, bertemu rakan lama dan saudara mara.

Berapa luas pasar tu? Jika anda terbang menaiki buraq selama sehari pun belum habis melihat keseluruhan bahagian ‘pasar’ itu. (kalau naik kenderaan yang lebih laju, anda tak nampak apa-apa sebab laju sangat, mengatasi kelajuan cahaya).

Dan sudah tentu suami anda pun nak pergi ke Pasar Jumaat itu juga untuk melihat Allah Rabbul Jalil. Ajaklah suami shopping sekali!

Setiap minggu, akan ada design terbaru yang boleh anda dapati. Setiap minggu juga anda boleh datang shopping di pasar ini. Sampai tahun depan, kurun hadapan, alaf hadapan…sampai bila-bila. Tiada had usia di syurga..

Soalan terakhir saya: Yang mana lebih menyeronokkan bagi anda; shopping dengan suami, atau pergi shopping bersama bekas teman-teman rapat, rakan sekolej (atau rakan serumah) anda dahulu? ..dan mungkin pada kurun hadapan, suami anda nak pergi memancing di sungai syurga bersama bekas rakan sekampungnya…atau mungkin dia cuma nak ‘berehat di rumah’ saja.. ;-j

P. S : Dah la..tak payah risau. Perasaan cemburu tu kerana disebabkan kejahilan tentang fitrah lelaki dan tak faham kehendak suami. Ahli syurga tidak ego dan cemburu buta. Di syurga tiada hasad dengki dan tiada sifat takabbur. Qaalu salaaman-salaama ~ 

pasted from

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Crush syndrome vs DrHouse season6-Help Me

Crush Syndrome Protocol

Crush syndrome is a medical condition that occurs when significant portions of the body are subjected to crushing force for an extended period of time. Large numbers of crush syndrome cases are often seen after serious earthquakes, when people are trapped under falling rubble and sometimes have to wait several hours for rescue. The most serious complications of crush syndrome result from the death of large numbers of muscle cells and the release of the contents of these cells into the blood. Crush syndrome protocol is a set of treatments aimed largely at minimizing these complications.

Pathology of Crush Syndrome
1. While some muscle cells are ruptured by the actual pressure of the crushing trauma, the most destructive aspect of crush syndrome comes from the disruption of blood flow. When muscle cells are deprived of blood, they eventually die and release their contents to the surrounding tissue (rhabdomyolysis). The most dangerous muscle cell contents are the protein myoglobin and the mineral potassium. When circulation is restored to the surrounding tissue, the myoglobin and potassium spread throughout the blood stream and can cause serious problems.

Consequences of Crush Syndrome
2. The most dangerous aspect of crush syndrome is the increase in potassium in the blood (hyperkalemia). High levels of potassium can disrupt electrical conduction in the heart and potentially cause it to stop beating. The high levels of myoglobin in the blood can cause damage to the kidneys, since they are responsible for filtering excess proteins from the blood. The crush syndrome protocol is designed to minimize these dangers.

Compartment Syndrome
3. Compartment syndrome is an extremely serious condition that can occur as part of crush syndrome. Compartment syndrome occurs when there is so much swelling within an enclosed compartment of a limb that blood can neither enter nor leave. Pressure rapidly builds up inside the compartment and widespread destruction of tissue occurs. Untreated compartment syndrome usually results in the need for limb amputation.

First Responder Protocol

4. First responder protocol for crush syndrome is in many ways similar to that for other types of trauma. The first priorities are still ensuring that there is adequate respiration and blood pressure. The crush syndrome protocol places extra emphasis on IV hydration to help lower the level of potassium in the blood and reduce the filtering work of the kidneys. Tourniquets are usually applied to affected limbs to reduce the risk of compartment syndrome. There is also increased monitoring for rhythm problems in the heart.
Hospital Protocol

5. The hospital protocol for crush syndrome is in some ways a continuation of the first responder protocol. Emphasis is placed on aggressive hydration to relieve the strain on the kidneys, and sodium bicarbonate may be used intravenously to help protect the kidneys. If the kidneys show signs of failing, it may be necessary to resort to dialysis to remove the myoglobin from the blood. Careful monitoring for compartment syndrome is essential, and surgery to relieve the pressure must be performed immediately if it develops

Read more: Crush Syndrome Protocol |

Sunday, 9 May 2010

When truth beautifully said...

A thousand miles I'd run and walk,
A thousand times I'd slip and fall,
But for you I'd do it again,
A thousand times

Sunday, 28 March 2010


Doa pelindung & penawar angin ahmar

Posted by nurjeehan in Doa & Zikir, Petua & Amalan. 52 Comments

PENYAKIT Angin Ahmar ialah penyakit mati sebahagian badan, yang biasanya datang dengan tiba-tiba dan sukar pula untuk diubati. Walau bagaimanapun, dengan rahmat dan belas kasihan Allah swt kepada hamba-hambaNya maka melalui Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., umat Islam dikurniakan doa yang sangat mustajab dan besar faedahnya bagi menjauhi penyakit tersebut disamping lain-lain penyakit berbahaya dan bala bencana.

Amalkanlah membaca doa ini selalu, paling kurang sekali seumur hidup. Dengan mematuhi kaedah dan adab-adab berdoa disamping berikhtiar, Insya Allah, mudah-mudahan doa kita dikabulkan dan kita terhindar dari penyakit yang berbahaya ini.


Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang; dan dengan-Nya kami memohon pertolongan; dan dengan Allah; dan dari Allah; dan kepada Allah; dan segala pujian tertentu bagi Allah; dan tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah; dan Allah Maha Besar, yang Maha Mulia dan Maha Agung; yang aku takut dan bimbang terhadap-Nya. Allah Maha Besar dengan segala kebesaran-Nya; segala pujian tertentu bagi Allah, sebanyak-banyak pujian. Dan Maha Suci Allah pagi-pagi dan petang-petang. Dengan nama Allah yang menyembuhkan, dengan nama Allah yang mencukupkan; dan dengan nama Allah yang menyihatkan; dengan nama Allah yang dengan nama-Nya tiada memberi mudharat sesuatu apa jua di bumi dan di atas langit, dan Dia Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui. Dan Kami turunkan sesetengah dari Al-Quran yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat untuk orang-orang yang beriman.

Ya Allah, aku yang menjampi dan Engkau yang menyembuhkan. Aku berlindung dengan-Mu daripada kejahatan yang telah Engkau takdirkan. Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar. Aku berlindung dengan Allah, Tuhanku dan Penciptaku, Pembentukku dan Pencipta Rupabentukku dan Pemberi Rezeki sekalian manusia. Aku berlindung dengan Allah daripada sekalian kebinasaan, dan segala maksiat, bala bencana, penyakit dan segala kesakitan, kemalasan, kemunduran dan kebinasaan.

Ya Allah, lindungilah penanggung (pengguna) suratku ini dengan nama-Mu yang Maha Mulia dan Maha Agung; dan sifat-sifat-Mu yang sempurna, wahai Yang Mempunyai Kebesaran dan Kekayaan. Wahai Tuhan yang memiliki kerajaan dan alam malakut; wahai Tuhan yang memiliki keagungan dan kegagahan. Maha Suci Engkau, alangkah besarnya Engkau wahai pencipta segala langit dan bumi. Wahai Tuhan tempat berlindung mereka yang menyesal (akan dosa-dosa mereka); wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih terhadap orang-orang miskin; wahai Tuhan pemilik kebesaran dan kekuasaan, wahai Tuhan yang mempunyai belas kasihan dan memberi kebajikan dan Ihsan; wahai Tuhan yang banyak kasih sayang, wahai Tuhan yang banyak memberi; wahai Tuhan yang Maha Gagah dan tiada sesiapapun yang mampu mengalahkan-Nya; wahai Yang Melindungi dan Dia tidak memerlukan perlindungan, aku berlindung dengan-Mu dari azab ke atas badan dan kesempitan; dan aku berlindung dengan-Mu dari penyakit Angin Ahmar dan penyakit yang besar yang menimpa ke atas diri dan roh, darah dan daging, tulang dan kulit, urat dan urat saraf.

Maha Suci Engkau; yang apabila Engkau menghendaki sesuatu maka Engkau hanya mengatakan “Jadilah! Maka jadilah ia”. Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar. Wahai Tuhan yang menjadikan; wahai Tuhan yang membuat kebajikan, wahai Tuhan yang memberi pertolongan, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Gagah, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Adil, wahai Tuhan yang Berdiri dengan Keadilan, wahai Tuhan yang mendengar tangisan orang-orang yang meminta pertolongan. Wahai Tuhan yang memulakan (dari tiada kepada ada), wahai Tuhan yang mengembalikan, wahai Tuhan yang menolak, wahai Tuhan yang Mencukupkan. Wahai Tuhan yang menyembuhkan, wahai Tuhan yang meng’afiatkan, wahai Tuhan yang memberi pertolongan terhadap orang yang memohon pertolongan.

Wahai Tuhan yang menerima kesyukuran, wahai Tuhan yang banyak memberi balasan atas kesyukuran. Wahai Tuhan yang Maha Kasih Sayang, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Belas Kasihan, wahai Tuhan yang memberi pertolongan, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Berkuasa, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Gagah, wahai yang Maha Berkuasa, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Agung, wahai Tuhan yang mendahulukan, wahai Tuhan yang mengkemudiankan. Wahai Tuhan yang hidup, wahai Tuhan yang berdiri dengan sendiri-Nya, yang membalas mereka yang jujur dengan balasan ke atas tiap-tiap diri dengan apa yang mereka usahakan. Wahai Tuhan yang memerintahku, wahai Tuhanku yang memiliki aku, wahai Tuhan yang memberi perlindungan.

Wahai yang Maha Mengetahui sesuatu yang kami sembunyikan dan kami dedahkan; wahai Hakim yang menjatuhkan hukuman, wahai Tuhan yang memerintah sekalian orang-orang yang beriman; wahai Tuhan pembantu orang-orang yang dhaif dan miskin; wahai Tuhan yang Mencukupi keperluan orang-orang yang bertawakkal.

Wahai Tuhan yang mendatangkan malam ke atas siang dan siang ke atas malam; wahai Tuhan yang Gagah (mengalahkan) setiap syaitan yang sangat durhaka, wahai Tuhan yang mengalahkan setiap orang yang sombong lagi degil; wahai Tuhan sebaik-baik Pemerintah; wahai Tuhan yang sebaik-baik memberi pertolongan, wahai Tuhan yang memberi rezeki kanak-kanak yang kecil, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih terhadap orang tuan (yang sangat tua), wahai Tuhan yang memerintah orang-orang yang beriman; wahai Tuhan bagi orang-orang yang dahulu dan orang-orang yang kemudian; wahai Tuhan yang pengasih kepada orang-orang yang bertaubat, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih dari kalangan yang mengasihi. Wahai Tuhan sebaik-baik pengampun dari yang mengampuni; wahai Tuhan sebaik-baik pewaris; wahai Tuhan sebaik-baik Pemberi Keputusan; wahai Tuhan yang memerintah pada Hari Pembalasan.

Ya Allah, hanya Engkaulah yang aku sembah dan hanya kepada Engkaulah aku memohon pertolongan. Dan kepada-Mu aku bertawakkal. Dan kepada-Mu aku gemar dengan apa yang ada di sisi-Mu. Kepada-Mu aku berharap dan hanya Engkau yang aku takuti. Ya Allah, peliharalah aku dari segala kepayahan hidup dan penyakit-penyakit dan segala kesakitaan dan kesusahan dan darah hitam.

Ya Allah, peliharalah aku dari penyakit yang merbahaya dan dari penyakit Angin Ahmar dan penyakit darah kuning, dan segala kebinasaan dan segala maksiat dan pengsan, dan kerungsingan dan kesedihan dan dukacita dan dari di penjara. Ya Allah, peliharalah aku dari kejahatan binatang buas, dan binatang yang melata, serta permusuhan (benci membenci) orang awam, dan dari kekalahan dan kejahatan syaitan; dan raja, kemarau, kemahalan barang keperluan, dan gempabumi, dan bala bencana, dan keruntuhan bangunan, dan serangan musuh. Ya Allah, peliharalah aku dari kejahatan orang-orang yang jahat dan tipudaya orang-orang yang melampau, dan dari sesuatu yang silih berganti atasnya oleh malam dan siang melainkan yang datang itu adalah dengan baik, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.

Aku berlindung dengan Engkau dari kejahatan setiap kejadian yang Engkaulah pemegang ubun-ubunnya; sesungguhnya Tuhanku di atas jalan yang tegak dan lurus. Engkau ialah Tuhanku dan di atas Engkau jua aku bertawakkal, dan Engkaulah yang Mencukupkan aku, dan sebaik-baik yang Mewakili, sebaik-baik Pemerintah dan sebaik-baik yang Memberi Pertolongan. Dan tiada daya upaya bagiku melainkan dengan Allah yang Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Agung.

Dan cukuplah kami oleh Allah, dan sebaik-baik yang mewakili sebagai Pemerintah dan Engkau sebaik-baik pemberi pertolongan. Allah yang mencukupkan, Allah yang menyembuhkan, Allah yang memberi a’fiat. Dan ucap selawat oleh Allah ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad dan ke atas keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya; selamat sejahtera; dan segala pujian bagi Allah Tuhan Pemerintah Seluruh Alam. Amin…

Saturday, 27 March 2010


How Is A Stroke Treated?

A stroke is a medical emergency, regardless of whether it is a major stroke or a short-lasting TIA. A person suffering a stroke should be taken immediately to a hospital emergency department.

The ability to pinpoint quickly the precise location of a stroke and determine the extent of damage is critically important in treatment decisions. A stroke caused by a blocked artery is treated in an entirely different way than a stroke caused by bleeding within the brain.

The key to survival and recovery is prompt medical treatment.

How-To Information:

If a stroke is caused by a blocked artery, medications are now available to reverse damage to the brain and significantly increase the odds of survival. However, these medications are effective only if they are given within a few hours of the time when the first stroke symptoms begin.

Tests That May Be Performed At The Hospital

Scans of the brain are performed to confirm a diagnosis of stroke and to determine the type of stroke. This is important since the treatment of different types of stroke differs.

These tests include:

* Computed tomography scan (CT scan) is generally the first diagnostic test done after a person suspected of having a stroke arrives in the emergency department. The test uses low-dose x-rays to take pictures of the inside of the brain.

For more information about CT Scan, go to Computed tomography scan (CT scan).

* Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an advanced diagnostic tool that uses the principals of magnetism to view the inner body. An MRI of the brain can show small blood vessels that may be blocked or bleeding.

For more information about MRI, go to Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

* Transcranial doppler (TCD) is a new, noninvasive ultrasound procedure that uses a small probe placed against the skull to track the blood flow through the vessels in the brain.

* SPECT imaging uses low doses of a harmless radioactive substance injected into a vein in the arm, then uses a specialized camera to view the blood flow in the brain.

Medicines To Treat Stroke

If the stroke A type of cerebrovascular disease that is caused by a sudden interruption of blood flow to a part of the brain, which can kill or damage brain cells. A brain attack. is caused by a blockage:

* Drug therapy is a relatively recent approach to the treatment of stroke. If the stroke is caused by a blockage in an artery, medications called thrombolytic drugs can be used. The only drugs approved by the FDA for treatment of stroke are tissue plasminogen activators (TPA drugs). Popularly referred to as "clot-busting" drugs, these medications have been used for years to treat heart attacks.

Some studies have indicated that if TPA drugs are given to stroke patients within three hours of the onset of symptoms, more than half of them will make a full recovery in a matter of months.

Not all hospitals, however, have the ability to give TPA drugs to people having a stroke. Before these drugs can be given, doctors must be certain that the stroke is the result of a blockage in the artery and not due to bleeding from an artery. This is determined through imaging procedures such as computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). But not all hospitals have around-the-clock imaging services.

If a stroke is caused by bleeding:

* Medication can be given to reduce swelling of brain tissue.

Surgical Procedures

If the stroke is caused by a blockage:

A procedure called carotid endarterectomy The surgical removal of plaque that is blocking or reducing blood flow in a carotid artery. can be used to remove a buildup of plaque Fatty deposits that stick to the inside walls of blood vessels, causing the vessel to become narrow and, in some cases, blocked altogether. from inside the carotid artery The arteries on each side of the neck that carry blood from the heart to the brain., one of the major sources of blood to the head and neck. Carotid endarterectomy can be used to treat people who have had a stroke and also as a preventive measure for people at risk for stroke.

If the stroke is caused by bleeding:

* An artery within the brain sometimes can be "clipped" to prevent further bleeding.

* If the bleeding has occurred in the subarachnoid space, pooled blood (hematoma) can dangerously increase pressure on the brain and damage delicate tissue. If it is feasible, surgery may be necessary to drain blood from within the area of damaged brain tissue.

Other Procedures

Several types of interventional radiology also are available to treat stroke. These procedures have been in existence for some time, but they have been improved and refined in recent years. However, not all hospitals are equipped to offer interventional radiology.

Interventional radiology is performed by inserting a long, thin, flexible tube called a catheter into blood vessels. The insertion point is usually in the groin, and the incision is about the size of the tip of a pencil. The catheter is guided to various parts of the body while a computer tracks it and records images of the blood vessels. This procedure creates a precise road map of even the tiniest vessel in the body.

* The catheters can be guided to areas of bleeding and used to effectively close off the leaking vessels.

* The catheters can be used to widen areas of blood vessels that have become narrowed because of a buildup of plaque.

* The catheters can be used to place stents made of a fine, tubular wire mesh to hold a blood vessel open.

What To Expect During A Hospital Stay

After the initial tests to determine the type of stroke and the best treatment, other procedures may be necessary to find the cause of the stroke. These procedures may include tests of the heart or the arteries to the brain.

The length of the stay in the hospital and the type of treatment will depend on the severity of the stroke. Many people need some form of therapy to help their brain relearn skills lost because of the stroke.

Nice To Know:

Q: My father had all the signs of a stroke, but he waited more than six hours before getting to the hospital. Even though his stroke was caused by a blocked artery, doctors did not give him "clot-busting" medicines. Why not?

A: TPA drugs are powerful blood thinners that can help dissolve a clot and restore blood flow, but the FDA requires that they be given within three hours after stroke symptoms first begin. When TPA is given more than three hours after stroke A type of cerebrovascular disease that is caused by a sudden interruption of blood flow to a part of the brain, which can kill or damage brain cells. A brain attack. onset, there is a greater risk that it will cause uncontrollable bleeding. It is very important that this guideline is followed and that everyone is made aware of the critical importance of seeking help immediately if experiencing stroke symptoms.

can stroke be treated

For the best, most effective treatment of stroke, a person with a suspected stroke must be given immediate medical attention. It is during the critical first 3 to 6 hours following stroke that today's growing stroke therapy options have the highest curative potential. Doctors can now administer an injection of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) to dissolve the clots that block blood flow to the brain. If the blockage can be removed with administration of TPA and sufficient blood flow is recovered within a three hour period following the stroke, the severity of permanent brain damage (neurological disability) is minimized or eliminated. However, medical imaging is a critical component in determining the course of stroke treatment.

Medical imaging is vital in the detection and treatment of stroke.

Important Note: Some of the methods of acute stroke diagnosis and treatment described herein are new and are still not widely available in the U.S. People who are at high risk of stroke should investigate which medical centers in their area have active stroke diagnosis and treatment capabilities. Those medical centers and hospitals with dedicated stroke treatment programs should have experience in the administration of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) or other thrombolitic and neuro-protective agents, as well as dedicated specialists and imaging protocols for diagnosing stroke and mapping the best course of therapy. Particularly in rural areas, which may not have large medical centers with the needed neurology specialists and emergency room staffing, access to these new methods of stroke diagnosis and therapy may be limited for some time (some predict it may be five years before TPA treatment of stroke becomes routine).

Updated: January 14, 2008

hmmm..another one of my auntie got stroke..praying for the best of her

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Hirscsprung disease

Normally, nerves tell the colon, rectum, and anus to work together to push waste out of the body
With Hirschsprung’s disease, a section of colon is missing nerves. Waste backs up behind this section

A gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is one of the most common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract

GISTs are tumors of connective tissue, i.e. sarcomas; unlike most gastrointestinal tumors, they are non-epithelial. 70% occur in the stomach, 20% in the small intestine and less than 10% in the esophagus.


Lymphoid tissue located beneath the mucosal epithelia, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), protects the body against pathogens that may enter the body via the mucosa
Often MALT consists of small accumulations of lymphoid cells or one to a few lymph follicles beneath the epithelium and possibly extending into the submucosa. The tonsils and Peyer's patches are large accumulations of lymphoid tissue with associated specialisations of the epithelium.

Friday, 12 March 2010


The Actors in this Story

1. Patient: 52-year-old Frances Walker, an African-American with a teenage daughter, Sharon.

2. Main doctor: 50-plus-year-old, Dr. Richard Keyes at Russell Clinic, a town north of Los Angeles, California, USA.

3. Second doctor: Dr. Jerome Groopman, 27-year-old, up and coming doctor doing a fellowship in blood disease at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Frances had traces of blood in her stools during her yearly physical examination. A colonoscopy indicated a tumor in the lower bowel. She underwent a surgery to remove the tumor but the surgeon found that the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and invaded the left lobe of her liver. Medically this was considered a Stage 4 metastatic colon cancer.

Frances and her daughter, Sharon, came to Dr. Richard Keyes's clinic. They were greeted warmly by the doctor who proceeded to examine Frances's operation wound. Everything seemed okay. They sat down to discuss follow-up treatment.

Richard: Frances, all traces of cancer were removed from your bowel and the surrounding lymph nodes. A few small spots of tumor were found on the left side of the liver. But we have chemotherapy to help take care of them.

Frances's face showed great relief.

Richard: The chemotherapy I will give you is very active against those spots in the liver. I expect some side effects, like mouth sores, diarrhea and anemia, but you'll be monitored closely. All of the side effects can be managed and will ultimately reverse. Any questions?

Frances thought for a moment and understood what needed to be done. Richard wrote into this patient's file: "Patient and family understand the risks and benefits of the proposed therapy."

Frances left the clinic.

Groopman to Richard: When I'm with the (patient), if direct questions come up, I should emphasize remission, correct?
Richard: Yes, I certainly wouldn't look at Frances and say: "Madam, the cancer in your liver will kill you." What's the point of that? All it does is make the remaining time even more miserable. Or cause her to panic and refuse palliation. Richard continued further: Each doctor has his own style, his own way of doing things. Believe me, for patients in situations like this, too much information is overwhelming.

After the first shot of chemotherapy Frances had some nausea and dry heaves. But she seemed to be in good spirit despite the side effects. She said: "I'm a fighter." Later, she suffered painful mouth ulcers and had to be hospitalized and put on drips. After that she had to be hospitalized again due to fevers and abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Three months into chemotherapy

Richard to Frances: Look at that CAT scan. This is the liver ... those are the deposits we are treating. They're about half the size of what we started with.
Frances: Does that mean I am partly cured?
Richard: You are well on the way to a remission. Thank God. It's going away.

Frances's daughter, Sharon, closed her eyes and bowed her head in a silent prayer.

Time passed and it was January 1979

Dr. Groopman shook Frances's hand and felt it trembled. France's liver function tests showed elevated values as they had not been before. Dr. Richard Keyes examined her abdomen.

Richard: Your liver edge is tender and your blood tests are slightly abnormal. Sometimes the chemotherapy can inflame the liver as a side effect. You are due for a follow-up CAT scan in a week. Until then, I'll give you a prescription for some pain medication. Don't be reluctant to use it if you need to.

Frances left the clinic.

Richard to Groopman: You know, it really doesn't make a difference clinically if it is the cancer and not the chemo. There's little we can do about it. By telling Frances and Sharon now, we just add another few weeks of worry. This way they have something to cling to for a little longer. Richard looked at Groopman kindly and continued: You're at the beginning of your career, Jerry ... SUSTAINED IGNORANCE IS A FORM OF BLISS. May be she'll be lucky and it will turn out to be a side effect from the drugs.

Two weeks later Groopman saw the report of Frances's scan and wrote: "The liver metastasis had more than doubled in size, and new deposits had appeared in the spleen. The organs looked as though they had been riddled by large-caliber bullets, leaving gaping holes. The scan also showed the fluid was building up in the abdomen. I knew that patients like Frances rarely survived over a few months. I noticed a faint tinge of yellow in her eyes. It was jaundice, an indication that the cancer was blocking the liver's excretion of bile. Her abdomen was so distended from the ascites that it pressed her navel outward like a bubble."

Frances came into the clinic.

Groopman: How are you?
Frances: Very tired. I have no appetite. I have to force myself to eat, since the food doesn't go down easily.
Groopman: We need to drain the ascites to relieve the pressure. You should feel better afterward.
Sharon: Then that means it's spreading quickly, doesn't it?
Frances: I have no energy. I felt for a while that something was wrong ... But Dr. Keyes said it was from the chemotherapy treatments.
Sharon: I thought you and Dr. Keyes said that the chemotherapy could cure her.
Groopman: He didn't -- we didn't -- quiet say that. We said that there was a good chance of going into remission, which happened. Groopman then explained what remission meant and how it differed from cure.
Sharon: Why didn't you tell us before?
Groopman: Colon cancer behaves this way. Shrinking for a while from the treatment then becoming resistant to it and growing again. I am sorry.

Groopman wrote: "The last time I saw the (patient) was in early March. Frances was unable to eat more than a few bites of solid food. If drinks were too cold or too hot, she regurgitated them. Each drainage of the ascites provided only a few days of relief before the fluid re-accumulated. Frances declined further chemotherapy after hearing my frank recitation of data on its chance of working.

Sharon: I guess he (Dr. Richard Keyes) didn't think people like us are smart enough or strong enough to handle the truth.
Groopman: It wasn't a question of smart enough. Dr. Keyes and I were trying to spare you the worry. Well, we were both wrong.

Frances died soon afterwards. Groopman wrote: "A sense of shame and guilt gripped me. Richard and I had failed the (patient). It has been a delusion to tell myself that what Richard had done and what I have embraced as his apprentice was for the best for them. Ignorance was not bliss, not when it mattered. By abandoning the truth, Richard and I had abandoned Frances, and through our deception we left Sharon alienated and bitter."

Comments: It amazed me that the same story is been played over and over again by different doctors everywhere. It does not seem to matter if it is in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore or the United States.

Groopman felt ashamed and guilty. I wonder how many others felt the same way after having failed. How could they ever face their patients knowing that in "trying to do their best" they actually deceived or misled their patients?

Groopman was right when he wrote that the episode had left Sharon alienated and bitter. Who would not feel disappointed, cheated or deceived? In a decade of my own experiences, I have met patients and their family members who felt bitter and enraged at those doctors who had taken them for a ride. Many have lost their loved ones besides having to face a hefty medical debt to settle. For some who are poor, they resorted to selling their property -- land or house. That was the bet that they took to "buy" the "misrepresented cure" which doctors told them was promising indeed. Patients fail to understand that there is "that much any oncologist" can do when faced with cancer.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


35 y/o female patient with 3 suicide attempts, divorced, mom to a 3 y/o daughter. She is diagnosed with BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER (BPD).

Individuals with BPD can be very sensitive to the way people treat them. Their perception towards others often shift from positive to negative.They always see things as black or white, no grey area,no intermediate.

Suicidal and self-violation is typical characteristic.Like this patient she have few scars on her hands due to these.

there are 2 causes.
1)genetic predisposition - Her father has impulsive disorder. Being very strict and always beats her and her mother.
2)Childhood abuse - She was raped by his uncle when she was 4. Even, being sexually abused by his father itself.


today, someone told me to act more mature. hmm, i didn't mean to act that way. Without me realizing, it was improper and childish act. So, after this mind what you say and what you do okay?